How to take care of your sensors
The Cital Soil Sensors are built inside a robust casing. With proper use and care, the sensors s...
What is the difference between the deployment and the activation?
The deployment is the moment you place the sensor in the ground. This is the moment the sensor g...
How to deploy the sensor
Sensor Installation This section describes the intended handling of the sensor. Please follow t...
At what depth and distance from the plant should I install the sensor(s)?
The decision on how far to plant the sensor does not affect its ability to collect data from the...
How do I safely remove the sensor from the soil?
Our sensors have different lengths and are therefore installed at different depths of the ground...
What do the visible marks on the shaft of the sensor mean?
The marks on the sensor shaft indicate the depth of the sensor in the ground. It can be used as ...
How do I read soil water potential (kpa) in relation to soil types?
kpa are kilopasquale and the unit of measurement for soil suction which is used to measure the w...